Rising Asia Journal
Rising Asia Foundation
ISSN 2583-1038

TUAN HOANG, Member, Editorial Board

TUAN HOANG is Associate Professor of Great Books and Blanche E. Seaver Professor of Humanities and Teacher Education at Pepperdine University in Malibu, California, teaching in the Great Books and History programs. He grew up in Vietnam and the United States, and studied the History of Western Philosophy as an undergraduate at Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota. Before receiving his PhD in History from University of Notre Dame, he worked for many years in the L'Arche Seattle community as a live-in assistant among adults with intellectual disabilities.

His research has focused on twentieth-century Vietnamese history and the history of Vietnamese refugees in the U.S. Among his publications are “‘Our Lady’s Immaculate Heart Will Prevail’: Vietnamese Marianism and Anticommunism, 1940–1975,” Journal of Vietnamese Studies 17.2–3 (2022); “Ultramontanism, Nationalism, and the Fall of Saigon: Historicizing the Vietnamese American Catholic Experience,” American Catholic Studies 130.1 (2019); “The Resettlement of Vietnamese Refugee Religious, Priests, and Seminarians in the United States, 1975–1977,” U.S. Catholic Historian 37.3 (2019); and “From Reeducation Camps to Little Saigons: Historicizing Vietnamese Diasporic Anticommunism,” Journal of Vietnamese Studies 11.2 (2016). A shorter version of the last article appears in Toward a Framework for Vietnamese American Studies: History, Community, and Memory (Temple University Press, forthcoming).

Other book chapters include “The Post-1975 Vietnamese Diaspora,” in The Cambridge History of the Vietnam War, vol. 3 (Cambridge University Press, forthcoming); “Pray the Rosary and Do Apostolic Work: The Catholic Associational Culture in South Vietnam and the Diaspora,” in War and Society in South Vietnam: Crises, Opportunities, and Diasporic Legacies (University of Hawai’i Press, forthcoming); “Social Mobility and the Meaning of Freedom among Vietnamese Refugees and Immigrants,” in The Vietnamese Diaspora in a Transnational Context: Contested Spaces, Contested Narratives (Brill, 2022); “The Peace Prayer of St. Francis,” in Learning the Good Life: Wisdom from the Great Hearts and Minds that Came Before (Zondervan Academic, 2022); and “Political, Military, and Cultural Memoirs in Vietnamese on the Republic of Vietnam,” in The Republic of Vietnam, 1955–1975: Vietnamese Perspectives on Nation-Building (Cornell University Press, 2020). His commentary on the South Vietnamese flag at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021 appears in the second issue of Rising Asia Journal (2021).